Perfect Home Workout & Fitness Wear

Exercising at home due to social distancing? Do you still feel it's hard to find the time to work out for an hour or so? Are you eager to find ways to exercise at home in the most simple way possible? Working out on a regular basis can help strengthen your muscles, help raise the immune system and remove your stress. Here are three steps suggested to work out at home that are quick & easy so you feel good about yourself:
1. Use your stairs as your own personal equipment. Walk up and down them for about 10 laps, then take a break and repeat. This will strengthen your lower body and cardio (heart).
2. Lunging is a great workout to get your legs pumping after sitting down for a long time like at your computer desk. Start doing 10 lunges on the hour and then increase length of time.
3. Push-ups are a great way to strengthen your upper body anywhere & anytime, without equipment.
You Need…
Fitness wear that are comfortable to exercise for living a healthy lifestyle that are fast sweat absorbing. Get a cute exercise outfit because when you look good you feel good!